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Show value of LSL and USL in the Graph

What inspired this wish list request? 

I have a column with a specification say, LSL=3. I select "show as graph reference" property. In the graph builder i see the line and it's label as LSL, but not the value. 


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

It would be great to see LSL=3, not only LSL.


Why is this idea important? 

It will create a more meaningful visualization and save time. At the moment I am doing it manually. 


Super User

Hi @Aziza,


It's a great idea, as depending on the scale and number displayed in the graph, it can quickly become difficult to know the values behind LSL and USL.


A possible workaround/trick in the meantime to display both the values and specification label (but not together and colored as you intend to) is to play in the "Axis Settings" menu (with right-click on the axis to access it) about "Label position" and "Label Axis Side" properties : 


With the configuration above, I can have a graph where the label USL is close from the axis value (but not hiding/replacing it):


There are a lot of possibilities by combining these two properties that may help you in the meantime

Hope this workaround may help you,


Level IV

That's a great workaround solution, Victor! You are such a brilliant community member! Thank you so much for taking time and putting it all together FOR ME!

Status changed to: Delivered

Thank you for this request @Aziza , and thank you @Victor_G for the suggestion to use the Axis Settings menu to change the labeling and position of the reference line. We're marking this request as delivered.

Super User

Hi @mia_stephens,


The solution I gave is just a workaround for the wish @Aziza want to see implemented in JMP.

Aziza would like the LSL and USL display by default "LSL = 3" or something equivalent, without having to change anything in the settings. Now by default LSL and USL are the labels values (without mentioning the numbers they are reffering to), and they may hide some numbers and values when doing graphs.

@Aziza, I just found another workaround to help you have a result very close to what you want to have :

  1. In the "Axis settings", click on the USL and LSL values (in the panel "Reference Lines") and change the labels to "LSL = [your min value]" and "USL = [you max value]": 


  2. Specify the position of the labels like I showed in the previous workaround. Here I will stick with the default settings as I think this is what you intended to have.
  3. Enjoy your graph


You may be able to automatize these steps with JSL (to automatically specify the formatting of your reference lines in Graph Builder), but I'm not a JSL expert so I won't be able to help you on this.
Hope this workaround gets to a closer solution to what you wish for,