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Provide way to set session / instance preferences and presets

What inspired this wish list request? 

You never should mess with user preferences when scripting (there is one exception) but sometimes changing them would make things much easier and script simpler.


JMP Projects - Local Preferences is a bit similar to this but has more limited scope


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

I would like to see session preferences (these would be kept for the current JMP session) and instance preferences (could work in similar manner as Names Default To Here(1) changes namespace). It should be also possible to set session/instance Ignore Platform Preferences(1), below is example how these could possibly work when scripting

Session Preferences(
	Platform Preferences(
			Ignore Platform Preferences(1)
			Simulate Responses(0),
			Suppress Cotter Designs(1),
			Save X Matrix(0),
			Discrete Numeric Powers Set to Necessary(0),
			Use Blue to Red color theme for color map(0)

Local Preferences(
	Platform Preferences(
			Ignore Platform Preferences(1)
			Simulate Responses(0),
			Suppress Cotter Designs(1),
			Save X Matrix(0),
			Discrete Numeric Powers Set to Necessary(0),
			Use Blue to Red color theme for color map(0)

Similar idea could be expanded to work with Presets

Session Preset(
		Continuous Distribution(
			Apply Preset("Focus on Distribution")

Local Preset(
		Continuous Distribution(
			Apply Preset("Focus on Distribution")

It could be even worth it to be able to set these interactively and not just while scripting. Add new Session Preferences menu / add button to current Preferences and for presents some way to "enforce" specific presents for the session.


Why is this idea important? 

Makes it easier to manage platforms when scripting without worrying about messing user preferences.