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Provide more customizable way to display images using hover labels (Image Label Viewer)

What inspired this wish list request? 

Displaying images on hover over on JMP Graphs is useful but it can be cumbersome to display multiple images at the same time.



What is the improvement you would like to see? 

I would like to see new pre-determined Hover Label just for images/pictures. We have Label Viewer but it has very strict format in which it displays the labels (maybe this could be added to label viewer, but I think maybe having new "Image Label Viewer" might be also a good thing)


If there is single row


With multiple rows



I would like to be able to choose between horizontal/vertical/grid layouts. Using the examples above this is very simplified example (only for single rows but if needed I can create examples for how it could behave for multirows)

Horizontal layout



Vertical (basically what we already have)


Grid with width of 2


Grid with width of 3:


Why is this idea important? 

Makes it much easier to utilize images in hover labels without scripting.



One more thing to add to to my increasing list of "create add-in of this".