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option to disable the expiry warning

☐ cool new feature
☑ could help all Jmp users!

☑ removes something that feels like a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


What inspired this wish list request? 

In Jmp18, a warning message appears for EVERY user - EVERY day - EVERY time Jmp is started 
... unfortunately: already months before Jmp expires.

Unlike a splash window, the pop-up window remains in place until the user closes it manually.


This is how it looks like:



What is the improvement you would like to see? 


- remove the warning message [either: completely, or: after 3 seconds]

- just show the warning message 1 - 2 x before it gets disabled [automatically]


- add an option to disable the warning message (like for the startup splash window).


Why is this idea important? 

  • less confusion for JMP users
  • no annoyed license site managers


other wishes from hogi_2-1702196401638.png




Level XI

A few small errors in usability can negate a huge advantage in functionality.


-> added as an good example to

Wish list - new Label: user experience 



Level XI

Regarding "warnings", there are other warnings which could help JMP users significantly in their daily work live - especially new JMP users who don't yet where the trap door are hiding.

Formula Editor: meaningful results with excluded rows:

What inspired this wish list request? 

  1. there are rows excluded in a table
  2.  Col ... aggregation Expression don't have Exclude() as GroupBy option
    (e.g. because the formula was auto-generated via the right-click New-Formula-Menu),

... it's quite likely that the results of the formula are wrong.


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

If 1 + 2,

please add a warning message to the preview area in Formula Editor

Level II

Thanks for the comment about my wish below.

The same as you, I wish this new expity warning will be improved.


 I think that reverting to JMP17 style is best (,which is one of "removing the warning message, completely").


Expire date notice : Revert from JMP18 style (pop-up) to JMP17 style (on the **bleep**... - JMP User...

Super User

You can remove the annoying window by using JMP startup script jmpStartAdmin.jsl (Scripting Guide > Common Tasks > Run a Script at Start Up

Window("Expiration Warning") << Close Window;

though you might want to go a bit further and add some information about the expiration, in the most simple case you could print the message to log

	Write(Window("Expiration Warning")[TextBox(1)] << Get Text);
	Window("Expiration Warning") << Close Window;

or maybe show it once every ten days or something



Even better idea might be to create an add-in which just runs that script on start up.

Level XI

" and add some information about the expiration"

argh, I missed the chance this year ; )