What inspired this wish list request?
In order to get support from the community with JMP problems it's useful to upload the file you are working on.
Using JMP in the workplace means that the data / scripts you are working on often contain proprietary information which warrants files to be masked before they are shared with the community for trouble shooting.
The exact data within the file is not important, it's the nature and function of the data / scripts being used are important.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
A mode which automatically masks certain text, column names, inputs dummy data for each row etc.
I.e. all proprietary information would be protected / masked, information required for troubleshooting purposes would be retained (e.g. information relating to characteristics & function).
Why is this idea important?
As a time saver. It would remove the need to prepare files containing proprietary information manually prior to being shared with the JMP community.