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Keyboard Shortcut to Comment Code in Script Editor

When I am developing a script, it is sometimes necessarry to comment out a block of code and re-write it for performance or quality reasons.

I do this frequently and it is time consuming to comment the code manually, or to go through the context menu>Advanced>Comment Block/Uncomment Block.


Please allow for user to set a keyboard shortcut for this.

I would recommend ctrl+k+c (Comment block) and ctrl+k+u (Uncomment block) as these are the defaults in Visual Studio.


Super User (Alumni)

I would much rather have a keyboard shortcut for commenting line or block of lines (Ctrl+/) is the standard in almost all text editors.  Still going to Kudo though.

Level VIII

I would add to this the keyboard shortcuts for the ability to collapse and expand code blocks 

Level II

Definitely would use a shortcut to Comment Block code, it would be super handy. Surprised it isn't a feature already.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Yes, Stay Tuned!

Unfortunately this didn't make it in to JMP 15 but will be in a future release.

Super User

Maybe add keyboard shortcut for reformat block at the same time. They are in the same context menu.


@Craige_Hales, a reformat shortcut is already available via Ctrl + M on Windows and Cmd + M on Mac. The full keyboard shortcut list can be found in the Quick Reference Card

Super User (Alumni)
Super User (Alumni)

Hopefully this makes it into JMP 16!


Hi @ih,

This is already available in the JMP 16 EA, if you are an EA customer. If not, it should still be there when JMP 16 is released.

On Windows, the shortcuts are Ctrl+/ to comment, and Ctrl+Shift+/ to uncomment. And on Mac, it is Cmd+/ and Cmd+Alt+/.



Super User (Alumni)
Super User (Alumni)

Thanks @Justin_Chilton!  Not sure what I did wrong because I thought I tried that right before posting last week without success, but it works now!

Super User

Yes, thanks @Justin_Chilton , using both now!