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Keyboard Shortcut to Comment Code in Script Editor

When I am developing a script, it is sometimes necessarry to comment out a block of code and re-write it for performance or quality reasons.

I do this frequently and it is time consuming to comment the code manually, or to go through the context menu>Advanced>Comment Block/Uncomment Block.


Please allow for user to set a keyboard shortcut for this.

I would recommend ctrl+k+c (Comment block) and ctrl+k+u (Uncomment block) as these are the defaults in Visual Studio.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Delivered

With the release of JMP 16 the keyboard shortcuts below will comment and uncomment blocks.


For Windows, the shortcuts are Ctrl + / (Comment Block) and Ctrl + Shift + / (Uncomment Block). On some international keyboards (like German), a shortcut may
not be defined and can be set in the menu customization editor.


For Mac, the shortcuts are Cmd + / (Comment Block) and Cmd + Alt + / (Uncomment Block). On some international keyboards (like German), the Shift key may be
needed, but this may be intuitive since the shift key would be needed to type those characters anyway for those keyboards.

Super User

Works great, thanks!

Level XII

@Jeff_Perkinson , where can I find a tutorial/sceenshot how to define the shortcuts for international keyboards?

Level XII

ah comment/uncomment  is in the Edit menu:
