☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☑ removes something that feels like a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
Graph builder needs this function:

What inspired this wish list request?
Every Jmp user knows this issue:
when you invested 15 minutes to optimize your Graph Builder plot, added some subplots, added some categories and then the legend looks like this - and you need another 15 minutes to figure out which entry in the legend corresponds to which subplot.

When computers started to have several video outputs, computer users had a similar issue:
which monitor setting belongs to which monitor ?!?!?
And the programmers had a great invention: an Identify button. The user just has to click the button and numbers will appear:
1) in the overview
2) on each monitor
What is the improvement you would like to see?
1) I want the same functionality for Graph builder. An Identify Button .
When a user clicks the button, numbers should appear in the Frameboxes and in the legend:
[extreme case to illustrate the unbelievalble help of the suggested function]

") please also add a button to "reset" the sequence of entries in the legend to a default setting:
all entries from the first subplot, then all entries from the second subplot ....
Why is this idea important?
Nowadays it's very difficult to use different color coding in different subplots - as soon as a new subplot is added, all the color settings are scrambled.
The unpredictable sequence of entries in the legend makes it almost impossible to efficiently adjust the settings.
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