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Have the Window List indicate which Data Tables / Scripts are in an unsaved state

What inspired this wish list request? I often have a large number of windows that accumulate by the end of the day -- these include data tables and scripts.  Many of the tables / scripts are just tests and don't need to be saved, but many are important to save.  It would be nice to quickly see which are unsaved when looking at the window list.  Here is an example -- the black dot indicates that the two corresponding scripts are unsaved:




What is the improvement you would like to see? Have an indicator on the window list for unsaved scripts / data tables (and journals or anything else that makes sense)



Why is this idea important? If I simply close JMP and select (Save Individually), I then might have to cancel the save to check if a script has an actual needed change or simply was edited for testing purposes.  I then have to close, select "Save Individually" again, and repeat the process.  It can take 10 minutes sometimes.  It would help greatly if I could see visually which windows are unsaved, the I can simply go through the ones I care about and see if I need to save, then close with a "Save Non".



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