☑ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☐ removes something that feels like a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
Sometimes / often missing values are even more important than the available values.
- More and more modelling platforms got the option "informative missing".
- Column manager shows the number of missing values:

- there is even a platform to analyze Missing Value

On the other hand, there is Graph Builder:
With the default setting, Graph Builder doesn't show "missing values".
If a user generates a x/y scatter plot and uses a column with missing values as color or overlay, all the points with missing values will DISAPPEAR from the scatter plot.
The "easy" solution:
enable Include Missing Categories from the Shift + red triangle menu - or via the preferences.
Then the points will show up with a separate category:

For nominal values on an axis, it's the same, the values will show up as a separate category.
Very convenient to Explorer Missing values.

Unfortunately, for continuous values, there is no option to show the missing values separate from the other points.
A workaround: the user can generate a transform column for is missing(:col) and show the points in a separate subplot: Missing entries - modelling type: continuous

But unfortunately, the functionality of transform columns is quite restricted: improvements for Transform Column
- a transform column doesn't react on changes via a column switcher
- it's not possible to get a reference to a transform column. Therefore it's not possible to programatically change the transform column to the new column
What is the improvement you would like to see?
Please add an Option Include Missing values to Graph Builder (via Shift + red triangle menu - and maybe via preference) which acts like Include Missing Categories , but for continuous values - and generates a plot similar to this one:

Why is this idea important?
In combination with column switcher this will add a new, incredibly useful way to explore missing values
Just imagine how useful it will be to display missing values in a Graph - separate from the actual values.
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