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Graph Builder Preferences: Middle 90% (or 99%)

☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!

☐ removes a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


What inspired this wish list request? 

Some while ago, I found this post in the community:
In graph builder, is there a way to set the default color code gradient range to "Middle 90%"? 

by @tsg.




Up to now, there was no reply - and I could not find a related wish ...



What is the improvement you would like to see? 

Possibility to set the default range of a color gradient to Middle 90%.


Alternative options: 1% - 99%?




Why is this idea important?

The middle 90% option is amazingly useful - outliers don't destroy the color settings. Especially for exploratory data  analysis of a "dirty" dataset - e.g. by using the Column Switcher!


But at the moment, the user has to enable the setting manually - and concerning Column Switcher it's disabled after every single switch. Argh!


The possibility to set the default range of a color gradient to Middle 99% would solve the issue





more wishes submitted by  hogi_2-1702196401638.png

Status changed to: Acknowledged
Level V

@Sarah-Sylvestre Not sure if people commenting as opposed to Kudos-ing helps this make it onto the list, but I second this, especially a wider range of values for the "middle x%". 

Level XI

Thanks, @ehchandlerjr for supporting the wish.


A Graph Builder with a default color range option "1-99%" or +/- N-sigma will revolutionize the usability of the Graph Builder

Level V

Yea 100%. There is a way to set your own levels, like a segmented gradient function. But it's (relatively) labor intensive and not dynamic. While I think that solution is also a necessity, your solution I think would be much more generally applicable. I have a plot where I have data points from 1:30 - 60:00 mis, and a couple of 44 he points. Having that middle x% where x is arbitrary would be . Hope it gets through! 

Level XI

Here is a script which switches forth and back between "middle 90%" and "Default" simultaneously for all Gradients in the current report.

I will add it to Graph Builder Toolbar  ...


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Names Default to Here(1);
If( !Namespace Exists( "hogi.GradientSettingsNS" ), New Namespace( "hogi.GradientSettingsNS" ) );

Try( hogi.GradientSettingsNS:ninetyPercent,hogi.GradientSettingsNS:ninetyPercent = 0 );
hogi.GradientSettingsNS:ninetyPercent = Not( hogi.GradientSettingsNS:ninetyPercent );

Local({gbs, legendServers,myLegendItems, myGradients},

gbs=Filter Each({myItem},gb = Associative Array((current report() << xpath ("//OutlineBox")) << get scriptable object()) << get keys(),Not(isEmpty(myItem)));
legendServers = gbs << Get Legend Server();
myLegendItems = legendServers <<Get Legend Items();
myGradients= {};

For Each( {myGroup1}, myLegendItems,
	For Each( {myGroup2}, myGroup1, 
		For Each( {myItem}, myGroup2, If( myItem << get type == "Gradient", Insert Into( myGradients, myItem ) ) )

for each({myItem}, myGradients, 
myItem <<Set Properties({gradient( {Range Type( "Middle 90%" )} )} ),
myItem <<Set Properties({gradient( {Range Type( "Default" )} )} ));
Level V

This is great! Thanks! 

Level III

Similar older request was for 2.5% - 97.5% here:  Add histogram and sliders in gradient settings within graph builder, and change ... - JMP User Commu...

I like the histogram option suggested there as well, as it is often tough to know which manual limits to add and I end up opening a separate window for the distribution as a reference.  Anything that defaults to a better pre-set "most of the data" visual would be very helpful.  10-90% would work great as well.

Level XI

so, time is ticking since 2020 ...