I think it would be neat if we could throw and catch error types like in python/js/ruby since we have classes now. So if I wanted to only catch specific error types I could do that.
And being able to have a builtin error type that we could have the classes inherit would be great. Then having the exception_msg be that class with easier to parse information (including traceback with lines) rather than the {"Name Unresolved: bbb"(1, 2, "bbb", bbb /*###*/)}.
That way we could do something like
Names default to here(1);
a = bbb;
show(exception_msg["message"]) // show the relevant message
show(exception_msg["caller"]) // what function the exception happened in
Similar to this https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMP-Wish-List/Improved-JSL-Stack-Trace-in-Log-on-Error/idi-p/78104