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Document marker names

Document the names of the markers. In it isn't clear that 12 or 16 is a circle or a diamond. As far as I can tell, the pdf doc does not list the names. The scripting index does, incomplete..., here:


An elided list of names.An elided list of names.


Using them for Marker State is important. The number is pretty meaningless. They already work if only the names can be guessed.


Got that name from the Point Marker list. Note that is for Control Charts and pretty unrelated to row states.Got that name from the Point Marker list. Note that is for Control Charts and pretty unrelated to row states.



it would be nice if this message was more helpful


List the possible choices as part of the message.List the possible choices as part of the message.


The markers are currently found like this

These are zero-based; the diamond is 16.These are zero-based; the diamond is 16.

and you can see why I might think there would be a large circle. I guess the small circle is "Dot", but the data table shows nothing for a dot. Maybe the scripting index for Marker State can show all the names.

Level V

I created an array to define what's what, but a list in the scripting index sure would be nice.  Note that "X", "Y", and "Z" are used as descriptions for the JMP marker shapes that look like those letters and for the actual upper case letters used as markers.  **edit**  I left off the "Dot" marker!  Added it in.



ARRAY_markers = [0 => "Dot",
1 => "Plus", 2 => "X", 3 => "Square", 4 => "Diamond", 5 => "Triangle", 6 => "Y", 7 => "Z", 8 => "Circle", 9 => "Wide", 10 => "Tall", 11 => "Star", 12 => "FilledCircle", 13 => "FilledWide", 14 => "FilledTall", 15 => "FilledSquare", 16 => "Filled Diamond", 17 => "Down Triangle", 18 => "Left Triangle", 19 => "Right Triangle", 20 => "Filled Up Triangle", 21 => "Filled Down Triangle", 22 => "Filled Left Triangle", 23 => "Filled Right Triangle", 24 => "Up Arrowhead", 25 => "Down Arrowhead", 26 => "Left Arrowhead", 27 => "Right Arrowhead", 28 => "Pipe", 29 => "Minus", 30 => "Slash", 31 => "Backslash", 32 => " ", 33 => "!", 34 => "\!"", 35 => "#", 36 => "$", 37 => "%", 38 => "&", 39 => "'", 40 => "(", 41 => ")", 42 => "*", 43 => "+", 44 => ",", 45 => "-", 46 => ".", 47 => "/", 48 => "0", 49 => "1", 50 => "2", 51 => "3", 52 => "4", 53 => "5", 54 => "6", 55 => "7", 56 => "8", 57 => "9", 58 => ":", 59 => ";", 60 => "<", 61 => "=", 62 => ">", 63 => "?", 64 => "@", 65 => "A", 66 => "B", 67 => "C", 68 => "D", 69 => "E", 70 => "F", 71 => "G", 72 => "H", 73 => "I", 74 => "J", 75 => "K", 76 => "L", 77 => "M", 78 => "N", 79 => "O", 80 => "P", 81 => "Q", 82 => "R", 83 => "S", 84 => "T", 85 => "U", 86 => "V", 87 => "W", 88 => "X", 89 => "Y", 90 => "Z", 91 => "[", 92 => "\", 93 => "]", 94 => "^", 95 => "_", 96 => "`", 97 => "a", 98 => "b", 99 => "c", 100 => "d", 101 => "e", 102 => "f", 103 => "g", 104 => "h", 105 => "i", 106 => "j", 107 => "k", 108 => "l", 109 => "m", 110 => "n", 111 => "o", 112 => "p", 113 => "q", 114 => "r", 115 => "s", 116 => "t", 117 => "u", 118 => "v", 119 => "w", 120 => "x", 121 => "y", 122 => "z", 123 => "{", 124 => "|", 125 => "}", 126 => "~"]


Level II

This would be very useful. If I recall correctly, the MATLAB documentation does list marker names