What inspired this wish list request?
There is a plethora of posts in the Jmp Community concerning Date and Time data curation, e.g.
Manipulating Timestamp
Unix Timestamp to Real Date & time
Changing Date Format
Date-Time Format Problem
Date Format help please
change date format
There are some tools which help a lot - but any improvement will help
For time & date columns the user can select from a long list of standard settings and even specify a custom pattern.
BuiltIn presets can be concatenate to construct the desired pattern.
Unfortunately, every time the user has to construct a pattern he has to start from scratch.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
Please add a history to the custom date/time pattern dialog window.
Why is this idea important?
If a user uses a pattern once, there is a large chance that he will use it again.
With the history aavailable in the dialog window, it will be much easier to use the Format Pattern window:
Invest the time once to generate the pattern and enjoy it for the rest of your live.

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