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CUSUM platform improvements

What inspired this wish list request? I have been using the CUSUM platform more and have found that there are some gaps between it and other Control Chart platforms that can make the user experience frustrating.



What is the improvement you would like to see? 

  • Have ARL show Shewhart ARL like the EWMA platform
  • Have options to highlight out of control rows in the red drop down menu
  • Have an option to add an out of control row indicator column in the red drop down menu
  • Add stages option like control chart builder
  • Add in I-MR/X Bar charts like in EWMA platform
    • Add option to show k*sigma (from CUSUM) band on this chart.  This will help show when points are adding or subtracting from the CUSUM totals
  • Be able to use Local data filter and column switcher
  • Be able to have CUSUM reset after a certain number of runs are within the K*sigma band
    • This would allow the CUSUM control charts to quickly recover back to showing in control  like we get with a EWMA chart
    • Another option could be having the CUSUM reset after a "flag value" kinda like the EWMA will reset after a missing value or excluded row.  So for example, 999.9 could be the reset value for positive sums and -999.9 could be the reset value for negative values.  These could be set as a column property or as a entry from the red drop down menu.
  • Have platform ignore excluded rows as a menu option red drop down menu (in case you forgot to click it in the set up menu)
  • On ARL profiler, need to show what the ARL(Delta) is
    • Would be great to be able to have the ARL (0) show as well, maybe as a second Y axis in the profiler, like when you fit multiple Y’s in Fit Model.
    • Also would be great to be able to use the desirability function to find the best setting for a given ARL(0) and ARL (delta) for a set k value.
  • Need to change the behavior of the ARL Profiler so that only the parameter of h or k is change when one of the values are updated in the Parameter control box. Right now if you change one it will change both, which is annoying if you are trying to update the parameter table to match the ARL profiler so that you can see all the ARL performance on the ARL table.
  • Update the ARL profiler so that the values you can enter always return an ARL value


Why is this idea important? 

The CUSUM control chart is getting more use but could use some additional updates to make it as functional as the Control Chart builder platform.  Also, since the correct ARL value is critical for setting up the charts correctly more tools that get away from a guess and check workflow would be great.

Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi @shampton82 , are you referring to the legacy CUSUM chart (under Legacy Control Charts) or the new Cusum Control Chart platform (under Control Charts)? I believe many of your suggestions are captured in the new platform. Please see



Level VII

Hey @mia_stephens !

Yes I was using the new CUSUM platform in JMP 18.0 on Windows.  I didn't think these were available but if you could let me know which ones you think are I can review them.



Status changed to: Acknowledged

Thanks for the confirmation @shampton82 . As with EWMA chart request, it would be helpful if you could help prioritize these items. Can you please identify the 3-5 items on the list that are most important to you?

Level VII

Okay @mia_stephens , here are my top ones:

  • Have ARL show Shewhart ARL like the EWMA platform
  • Have an option to add an out of control row indicator column in the red drop down menu
  • Be able to use Local data filter and column switcher
  • Be able to have CUSUM reset after a certain number of runs are within the K*sigma band
    • This would allow the CUSUM control charts to quickly recover back to showing in control  like we get with a EWMA chart
    • Another option could be having the CUSUM reset after a "flag value" kinda like the EWMA will reset after a missing value or excluded row.  So for example, 999.9 could be the reset value for positive sums and -999.9 could be the reset value for negative values.  These could be set as a column property or as a entry from the red drop down menu.
  • On ARL profiler, need to show what the ARL(Delta) is
    • Would be great to be able to have the ARL (0) show as well, maybe as a second Y axis in the profiler, like when you fit multiple Y’s in Fit Model.
    • Also would be great to be able to use the desirability function to find the best setting for a given ARL(0) and ARL (delta) for a set k value.
  • Need to change the behavior of the ARL Profiler so that only the parameter of h or k is change when one of the values are updated in the Parameter control box. Right now if you change one it will change both, which is annoying if you are trying to update the parameter table to match the ARL profiler so that you can see all the ARL performance on the ARL table.
  • Update the ARL profiler so that the values you can enter always return an ARL value

I selfishly counted the bottom three items as one as they all have to do with the ARL profiler : )























Level XII

related wish: CUSUM: add slider for target value 
once the improvements are implemented, the code for the slider has to be updated.


Thanks @shampton82, that's a slightly more manageable list. Do you have a top 1 or 2 items? That is, if we only have resources and bandwidth to implement 1 or 2 items, what would they be?

Level VII

Hey @mia_stephens ,

Oh man, so hard.  Okay I would put these as my top 2

  • Be able to have CUSUM reset after a certain number of runs are within the K*sigma band
    • This would allow the CUSUM control charts to quickly recover back to showing in control like we get with a EWMA chart
    • Another option could be having the CUSUM reset after a "flag value" kinda like the EWMA will reset after a missing value or excluded row.  So for example, 999.9 could be the reset value for positive sums and -999.9 could be the reset value for negative values.  These could be set as a column property or as a entry from the red drop down menu.
  • Update to ARL Profiler
    • Have the ARL (0) show as well as a second Y axis in the profiler, like when you fit multiple Y’s in Fit Model and have the ARL(delta) value as an additional parameter to set along with k and h.
    • Be able to use the desirability function to find the best setting for a given ARL(0) and ARL (delta) for a set k value.
    • Change the behavior of the ARL Profiler so that only the parameter of h or k is change when one of the values are updated in the Parameter control box. Right now if you change one it will change both, which is annoying if you are trying to update the parameter table to match the ARL profiler so that you can see all the ARL performance on the ARL table. (Nice to have but would remove vs the other suggestions)
    • Update the ARL profiler so that the values you can enter always return an ARL value  (Nice to have but would remove vs the other suggestions

