When you have a matrix and you would like to sort the matrix, I am currently unaware of a function that would let me sort the matrix without using a loop over the columns or rows. I don't think this is particularly efficient. Additionally, there is no straight forward way to retain the positions once sorting is performed. Please see the following discussion for more details :
As you will see in the discussion , @Mark_Bailey was kind enough to offer a simple custom function, which I would think is useful to have in the JMP arsenal.
The function that @Mark_Bailey provided is shown below for convenince.
A = [10 -12 4 8; 6 -9 8 0; 2 3 11 -2; 1 1 9 3];
sort matrix = Function( { m }, { t, b=[], i=[] },
For( j = 1, j <= N Cols( m ), j++,
t = A[0,j];
b ||= Sort Descending( t );
i ||= Matrix( Reverse( As List( Rank Index( t ) ) ) );
Eval List( { b, i } );
{ B, I } = sort matrix( A );
Show( A, B, I );
I also took the liberty of adding a little more along the same lines, so as to make it more generalized than my limited need :
sort matrix = Function( { m,order }, { t, b=[], i=[] },
If(order == "ascending",
For( r = 1, r <= N Cols( m ), r++,
t = A[0,r];
b ||= Sort Ascending( t );
i ||= Matrix( As List( Rank Index( t ) ) );
Eval List( { b, i } );
// else
If(order == "descending",
For( r = 1, r <= N Cols( m ), r++,
t = A[0,r];
b ||= Sort Descending( t );
a i ||= Matrix(Reverse(As List( Rank Index( t ) )) );
Eval List( { b, i } );