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Ability to navigate to Sharepoint files in Import Wizard

I like to use the import wizard to get Excel data into JMP (version 16.2 Pro); this works fine for files stored on LAN but I don't seem to be able to use the wizard to open files stored in Teams/SharePoint. Can this functionality please be added?

Level IV

Having the ability to open files on a SharePoint site or MS Teams is essential in most companies now with remote working, having a script to open a file isn't really acceptable. I would hope this would be included in JMP soon 

Status changed to: Acknowledged

@GemmaBarnes Thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.

Level VI

I agree. This is a need that JMP doesn't cover. Users need to download the file first and do a one-time analysis. In the end, PowerBI is used instead as it is fully integrated.

For this, not only accessing but being able to update the JMP table once loaded, will also be needed.

Status changed to: We like it! (in the queue)

@GemmaBarnes We have prioritized this request and hope to have it implemented in a future version of JMP (likely JMP 19). I will update this request with more details when we start working on this. 


Additional note: although we plan to implement an easier way for you to access Sharepoint files, it may not be implemented the way you describe in your wish (through the import wizard). It will likely be similar to how you can access Google Sheets files in JMP currently, but we are not sure what the UI will be right now.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Level III

@Sarah-Sylvestre thank you for this- I'll look forward to seeing developments!