How Domestic is My Car Data
Attached: Data from the Blog "How Domesitc is My Car? (Graph and Dashboard Exploration) by Scott Wise See scripts for Graphs (Butterfly Charts & Tree Mpas) and Dahsboard views...
Attached: Data from the Blog "How Domesitc is My Car? (Graph and Dashboard Exploration) by Scott Wise See scripts for Graphs (Butterfly Charts & Tree Mpas) and Dahsboard views...
Attached is the Master JMP File ( used to make a JMP Custom Starter Menu that orients tools common used in a QbD (Quality by Design) flow. QbD is a proce...
I created the shape files for the Periodic Table of Elements. The shapes can be referenced by the name of each element. The shape files are called and
Data from Bureau of Transportation Statistics website and analyses related to post on JMP Blog on June 9, 2010. The analyses explore airline on-time performance over time.
This is a file that contains some information about the price of diamonds as a function of the carat size, clarity, color and cut of the stone. I collected the data from a website that sells diamonds One can interact with the file to see how each of the factors impact the price of a diamond. Some scripts have been saved in the data table.
Historical times for all three legs of the Triple Crown for thoroughbred racing, namely The Kentucky Derby, The Preakness and The Belmont Stakes.
Data from participation in the Google 2012 Code Jam programming competition.Two Graph Builder scripts included.
Array data and computed fields for exploration.
Data includes output power levels for two arrays, ambient temperature and solar irradiance. An example Graph Builder script is provided to see power output by day, and it can be combined with Data Filter to see only a subset of the days.
Contains data about the manufacturing process of sockets. Adapted from example 5.6 in Understanding Statistical Process Control, Donald J. Wheeler and David S. Chambers. Referenced by Jose Ramirez's article in the JMPer Cable Edition 29, Summer 2014.
This JMP data table (of invented values) has a Valentine's Day theme. It includes three scripts: a Scatterplot matrix and two Bubble Plots. Send a Valentine to that special quant in your life.Below is the Scatterplot Matrix:
JMP data table used for exploring Control Chart Builder in JMP 10. This data table is a simulation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates at 11 different hospitals and clinics. Run the two scripts in the data table.This data is referenced in a post at the JMP blog: Three-way chart in JMP 10Above is an HPV molecule image from Thomas Zucker-Scharff at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine...
For use with the Control Chart Builder platform. - Choose Analyze->Quality and Process ->Control Chart Builder - Drag Volume ($M) sold to the Y-axis area of the chart - Drag the column Date to the X-axis area of the chartThis file is referenced in a post at the JMP Blog that introduced the Control Chart Builder: Control Charts or SPC are easy in JMP 10 with Control Chart Builder
JMP data tables and scripts used in the Tuning Graphs session of my 2008 JMP Discovery session. Scripts with a 6 suffix in the name can be run under JMP 6.