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Episode 11 (Monday, April 27, 2020)


Segment Description Who's On Air


The Monologue


Featured Program


Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Using JMP (Episode 4?)

You’ve probably used JMP’s Distribution Platform, but chances are you’re only scratching the surface of its usefulness. In this Episode of Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Using JMP, Mike Anderson gives us a tour of all the capabilities of this powerful platform, including how to customize the information you view, how to turn on various capabilities to perform various statistical tests on your data and get even more out of The Distribution Menu’s visualizations and more. Mike concludes his session by answering several questions for the viewing audience.


Tip of the Day


Internet Open

If you spend a lot of time pulling data down from the web, you’ll love today’s Tip of the Day. In this session, Pete and Mary demonstrate how to use JMP’s Internet Open to get data from a published webpage. Using the Internet Open command, JMP will examine any web page you enter, evaluate it for possible data sets, and allow you to select and instantly pull data into JMP for analysis. You’ll also learn why Mary’s dog is hiding from her these days!


Meet a JMP Developer


Cleaning Up Your Code

In this episode of Meet the Developer, Anne Milley interviews JMP Principal Test Engineer Mandy Chambers. A native of North Carolina, Mandy shares her unique career path, which has taken her from teaching, to working at a hospital to ultimately landing at JMP. A critical member of the JMP Testing team, Mandy works on pretty much every aspect of the JMP Data Table. In this interview, Mandy shows us how to clean up data in JMP using recode and column properties functions, helping you tell a better story with that data. A lover of the beach and sea turtles, Mandy demonstrates much of this functionality using some interesting data related to sea turtle nesting and “false crawls.”


Resource Spotlight


Discovery Summit

Customer Care Manager and Discovery Summit emcee Jeff Perkinson talks about the benefits of the JMP Discovery Summit in this installment of JMP Resource Spotlight.  In October, Oct. 13 – 16 to be exact, JMP will offer a completely virtual best-in-class analytics conference. Call for content is currently open, and Jeff encourages any interested user to consider submitting a paper or poster presentation that demonstrates how you’ve used JMP to solve real problems. Though we won’t get to gather together in-person, Jeff promises a top-notch, virtual conference experience that won’t disappoint.


Featured Program


Why DOE? Reason 4

Designed to help demystify the concepts around Design of Experiments and to outline the immense benefits of the practice for scientists and engineers, JMP Systems Engineer Phil Kay continues his exploration of DOE. In this installment of the popular series Why Design of Experiments., Phil Kay introduces the fourth reason: clarity. After reviewing previous episodes, Phil explains exactly what he means by using the word “clarity,” and shows you, using JMP, how design of experiments can provide the unique clarity of the effect of factors on a response.


Mindful Moment


Breathe and Ground

Breathe and Ground


JMP in Action


Fit Y by X

In today’s JMP In Action, Florian Vogt demonstrates how to explore relationships between two variables. First, Florian introduces us to the four personalities of Fit Y by X, defined by modeling types we specify: Continuous X by Continuous Y (Bivariate Analysis); Categorical X and Continuous Y (One Way); Continuous X and Categorical Y (Logistic); and Categorical X by Categorical Y (Contingency). Then, Florian shows you Fit Y by X in action using practical data, specifically push-ups he’s performing during quarantine. Though he gives us a detailed look at relationships between two variables, Florian doesn’t answer the real question we’re all asking: What will Florian’s upper body look like after he completes his push-up challenge?


Have You Tried


JMP Tabulate

In this episode of Have You Tried, Ryan DeWitt gives you a quick overview of JMP Tabulate. Learn the basics of JMP Tabulate, how to use the Tabulate platform to reformat data, run basic statistics interactively and extract significance in tabular form.



The Last 5



Here is the progress report on my push-up challenge presented in this episode. Data will be updated weekly.