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JMP Resource Page for German, Swiss, Austrian JMP Users Group


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This will be a single resource thread for links to videos and material presented in the user group meetings as well from special webinar series like we did e.g. during the past weeks. I keep this thread in English, as some of the webinars are also English and in Germany, Switzerland and Austria there are also users and colleagues of you not fluent in German who may benefit from this material.


Please watch out in the coming weeks for new material announced here. You may also want to subscibe to this post, to get notifications when something has changed.


All the best and have fun with JMP,

Martin (and the JMP Teams for Germany, Austria and Switzerland)

User Group Meetings:


DACH User Group 2024, 7./8. Oktober, Ingelheim

Eindrücke und Ressourcen 




Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components 

Olga Vovk, Data Analyst - TRUMPF Photonic Components GmbH

DOE als wichtiger Baustein zur Festigung einer Kundenbeziehung 

Christian Wintermeyer, Manager Flavor Food Protection,  Symrise AG

Nützliche Hilfsmittel zur explorativen Datenanalyse

Dr. Holger Specht, Principal Engineer R&D - ams OSRAM Group


DOE und Community of Practices bei Boehringer Ingelheim

Aziza Yormirzaeva, R&D Sr. Statistician, Boehringer Ingelheim

Einsatz der statistischen Prozesskontrolle bei TRUMPF
David Hanslian, Quality Engineer, Trumpf Lasersystems for Semiconductor Manufacturing


Prozessstabilitäten und -fähigkeiten

Dr. Katharina Lankers, R&D Principal Expert Data Science, SCHOTT AG

Dank der JMP DoE-Plattform auf die nächste Stufe der Testentwicklung

Swetlana Berger, Principal Statistician, UCB Biosciences GmbH

Automatische Berichteerstellung mit der neuen Python-Integration

Ole Herud-Sikimic, Process Manager, Rentschler Biopharma

Neues in JMP und JMP Pro 18

Martin Demel, Principal Systems Engineer, JMP



Workshop Mixture DOE 

Bernd Heinen, Stabero Consulting 

Dr Markus Schafheutle, Schafheutle Consulting

Workshop Datenaufbereitung und Visualisierung

Lisa Daroque, Systems Engineer, JMP

Jonas Rinne, Systems Engineer, JMP 



DACH User Group 2023

Eindrücke und Ressourcen 


A method for the strategic pre-processing of data from industrial processes before storage and analy...

Günes Pekmezci, Senior Expert for Industrial Internet of Things, Bundesdruckerei

Automated process to collect product test data and generate alarm reports for root cause analysis

Astrid Ruck, Group Senior Specialist in Statistics, Autoliv


Research into the causes of off-spec measurements with FDE and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

dr Markus Schafheutle, Schafheutle Consulting

Stefan Vinzens, LRE Medical GmbH


Parallel-curve assessment using the JMP nonlinear platform

Walter Hoyer, Head of Statistical Affairs, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH


Automated data extraction from PDF documents using the customized JMP add-ins

Thomas Dickel, CSL Behring Innovation GmbH


DOE Workshop

Christian , Lisa Daroque




Scripting Workshop

Functions and Expressions (Georg Raming, Siltronic AG)

Graphic user interfaces/GUI (Katharina Lankers, Schott AG)

SPC & databases (Mauro Gerber, Huber & Suhner AG)

ChatGPT - good enough to be scripted (Martin Demel, JMP)


DACH Users Group 2022

Agenda (leider kein Material)


DACH User Group 2021 

Einführung in Functional Data Explorer - FDE Beispiele aus der Praxis
(Beatrice Blum, P &G)

(Martin Demel, JMP)


Neu in JMP 16
(Florian Vogt, JMP)


Histogramme in JMP
(Bernd Heinen @Bernd2Heinen, Stabero)


Application of JMP Simulation Experiment to optimize process conditions 
(Claire Baril, Lonza AG)



2020 "Neues in JMP 16 - Ein Vormittag für JMP Anwender" (Video) 

"Neues in JMP 16 - Ein Vormittag für JMP Anwender"


DACH User Group 2019 (Material) (Fotos)

Schichtdickenbestimmung an keramischen Filtern mit JMP anhand von automatisiert erstellten Mikroskop...
(Steffen Böhm, Nanostone Water GmbH)


Golden Curve and Model Based Control Charts
(Chris Gotwalt, JMP)


JMP Learning Resources
(Alexander Beck, JMP)

Eine neue Art Datenexploration 
(Martin Demel, JMP)


DACH User Group 2018 (Material) (Fotos)

Definitive Screening Designs – Dinge die man wissen sollte
(Silvio Miccio, P&G Service GmbH)


DACH User Group 2017 (Material) (Fotos)

Workshop: Advanced und Predictive Analytics mit JMP PRO Advanced Regression Methods
(Silvio Miccio, P&G Service GmbH)



Recordings from the 2020 April Webinar Series:

PLEASE NOTE: These webcasts supplement the wealth of content in the A-Z listing of close to 200 videos available at  It is highly recommended you peruse the A-Z list to find content from which to learn from academic thought leaders, as well as JMP developers and technical staff.</font size>


Effizient in JMP (in Deutsch)

Die ersten Schritte in JMP: Basisfunktionen

Exploratives Arbeiten: Erkenntnisse durch einfache Analysen

Grafisches Arbeiten: Zeitersparnis mittels JMP Graph Builder

Produktives Arbeiten: Analysen und Arbeitsabläufe organisieren

Automatisierung: Sparen Sie Zeit durch das Automatisieren von JMP

J(u)MP weg von Excel



Boost your JMP (in English)

Tips and Tricks

How to get rid of manual recurring analytics tasks


Introduction to JSL:
Basics you need to know

Introduction to JSL:
first customizations

Selected examples

Basic Introduction to Custom Designs

Design of experiments - Creating insights by selecting the appropriate design



Widen your view (in English)

How to handle LOD/LOQ data

Exploring Functional Data: Golden Curve and Golden Batch Analysis


Text Explorer to inform your analysis

Data Access using REST API and PDF Import



JMP Discovered (in English)

Data Engineering for Statistical Modeling

Sharing: Dashboards and JMP Live



Strategic Topics (in English)

Moving from a culture of firefighting to a culture of analytics

Smart Trial and Error for Rapid Innovation

J(u)MP away from Excel

Text Explorer to inform your analysis

On to new shores using functional data



Re: JMP Resource Page for German, Swiss, Austrian JMP Users Group

added new recording: JMP Discovered: Sharing - Dashboards and JMP Live

Re: JMP Resource Page for German, Swiss, Austrian JMP Users Group

Added Sep 2020 alternative event recording "Neues in JMP 16 - Ein Vormittag für JMP Anwender" (Video) " 


Re: JMP Resource Page for German, Swiss, Austrian JMP Users Group

Updated material links for the past 3 user group meetings 2021 - 2023.
