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Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

Olga Vovk, Data Analyst - TRUMPF Photonic Components GmbH



Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

Eine tolle Präsentation, vielen Dank für deine Präsentation. Mich beeindruckt der ROI bei der Anzahl von JMP Live Nutzern, super. Weiterhin viel Erfolg!

Level VI

Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

Gratulation! Ausgezeichnete Praesentation und offensichtlich eine intelligente Organisation.

@OlgaV, ein paar Fragen:

  • Was meinen Sie mit bzgl. der Nachteile von PBI mit "Keine Moeglichkeit einen Bericht zu programmieren. Es muss jede Seite, jeder Filter manuell hinzugefuegt werden."? Ich kenne mich selber mit PBI leider zu wenig aus.
  • Wie haben Sie dem Management den business case (Geschaeftskasus?) so vermitteln koennen, dass man JMP Live zugestimmt hat? Uns wuerde es bestimmt einigen Leuten die Haare aufstellen, wenn ich den mir letzten, bekannten, jaehrlichen Lizenzpreis nennen wuerde.
  • Auf wie viele Benutzer (viewer) ist JMP Live beschraenkt?
  • Ich gehe davon aus, dass man als JMP Live viewer keine JMP-Lizenz benoetigt, fuege diesen Punkt also nur sicherheitshalber und auch nicht als direkte Frage an.

Weiterhin alles Gute mit JMP Live! (Ja, irgendwie beneide ich Sie.)

Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

Hi Ressel, 


I am seeing the translated message and I hope we will not get lost in translation 


1) PBI vs JMP Live: One of the limitations of PBI is that users cannot automate the creation of reports each report page, along with every filter and visualization, must be manually configured. (This comes also from a non experienced PBI user)

2) Convincing Management: It's all about showing the value and ROI. JMP Live can save much more than it's cost. A LOT of time translated to money and to actual work. No more data silos, no more back and forth, no more losing data. Single point of truth, increased collaboration and data-driven decision-making.

3) Number of Users: JMP Live does not have a cap on the number of viewers or number of sites. So it's for the whole organization. 

4) JMP Live access: JMP Live user/viewers/explorers do not need a JMP license to view shared reports. Users only can access JMP Live,  they can interact with the published content, explore data, and use interactive features like filtering, graph manipulation and so on. To create or publish reports to JMP Live a JMP license is required. One important thing to add here is the  Controlled User Access. You can manage the user permissions accordingly. So you can specify who can view, interact, edit, upload, download or only view data and dashboards.


I hope these answer your questions. 






Level VI

Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

@spyros_megalou, thanks, well explained.

Regarding 2): How do you put value on efficient use of information for decision making? The license cost for JMP Live is very visible. The cost of poor decision making not so much. (Mostly, I think, because poor decisions are part of almost every business model, which makes them acceptable.) I would love (love!) to see JMP Live in my organization, but I was already losing my hair over outcompeting Power BI, which was in place not because it was a good solution, but because some people said that's what we are using. And that summarizes the whole problem.

If JMP could help quantifying these business cases for individual customers, this could be a great support in getting JMP Live to where it rightfully belongs. The way it is now, I will only see a digitalization department rolling their eyes over yet another outlandish request form someone who is "just to stupid to understand the current philosophy", if you understand what I mean.

Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

@Ressel You’re absolutely right—quantifying the value of better decision-making isn’t easy, especially when existing tools, are already in place. I agree that case studies tailored to industries or ROI examples could make the business case clearer and help with resistance from teams attached to familiar tools. I am sure that your local JMP team would be more than happy to quantify the value vs cost of JMP Live for your organization. 

Level VI

Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

@spyros_megalou, for Scandinavia, I suspect this might be Denmark. Something for future conversations!

Re: Implementierung von JMP Live bei TRUMPF Photonic Components

@Ressel If we are talking Scandinavia, that would be us! Coincidence? Let's keep it in mind for our next meeting