I would like to ask if somebody has encounter the issue I got. I would like to verify the 95% CI for a case as below in the table.
95% Confidence Intervals for the True Rate at all Possible Observed Rates within a Subgroup (n=15)
Observed Rate | Lower Bound 95% CI | Upper Bound 95% CI |
5/15 | 0.152 | 0.723 |
I used JMP Analyze/Distribution and got the correct Lower CI (0.151763 which verifies 0.152 in the table above) but not Upper (0.582865 vs 0.723) - why would it be?
Level | Count | Prob | Lower CI | Upper CI | 1-Alpha |
No | 10 | 0.66667 | 0.417135 | 0.848237 | 0.950 |
Yes | 5 | 0.33333 | 0.151763 | 0.582865 | 0.950 |
Total | 15 | | | | |
Thank you in advance for any help,