You need to use the RGB Color() function. The Scripting Index gives a nice example of using the RGB Color() function to convert from RGB to the JMP color,.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
New Window( "RGB Color Example",
/* 1 through 16 are good */
division = 6;
blocks = division + 1;
ysize = 400 / Sqrt( division );
xsize = ysize * blocks;
fract = 1 / division;
/* 100 is default axis range */
yBlockSize = 100 / blocks;
xBlockSize = 100 / (blocks * blocks);
frameSize( xsize, ysize ),
For( blue = 0, blue <= 1, blue += fract,
For( red = 0, red <= 1, red += fract,
For( green = 0, green <= 1,
green += fract,
y = red / fract * yBlockSize;
x = green / fract * xBlockSize
+blue / fract * xBlockSize * blocks;
/* here's the example */
Fill Color(
RGB Color( red, green, blue )
x + xBlockSize,
y + yBlockSize,