Hi all,
I am writing a script where I select a subset from a data table based on some criteria:
Example dt is my data table with column :Error_ID
I input: "dt_subset=dt<<select where (:Error_ID==0)<<subset(selected rows(1));" and I expect the dt_subset table to be filled by all the entries in the dt table where the column :Error_ID is 0.
Now let us say the dt data table has no Error_ID==0 rows, the dt_subset is empty.
I would have expected an dt_subset to be a new data table with the same columns as table dt but 0 rows, so that if I then check whether "If( !Empty(dt_subset)...)" I get a false and I do not continue doing work on the empty dt_subset table.
Instead I get an error if I try to check the if dt_subset is empty.
Basically what I want to do is be able to check if the selection is empty. Do you have a solution?
Thank you for your help!