Here is a sample of one way of doing what you want.
I recommend you take the time and read the Using JMP and Scripting Guide documentation from the JMP Documentation Library, under the Help pull down menu. It will open the window on the various ways to use the objects within JMP and to not be limited to thinking that every thing needs to be coded in a traditional programming methodology.
names default to here(1);
dt1=data table("main_table");
dt2=data table("subset_table");
dt2b = dt2 << subset(selected rows(0), columns(:label));
dtFinal = dt1 << Join(
Match Flag( 1 ),
By Matching Columns( :Label = :Label ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 1, 1 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 ),
merge same name columns( 1 )
close( dt2b, nosave );
dtFinal << select where(:match flag == 3 | (:Group == "K" & :Number == 2) );
dtFinal << invert row selection;
dtFinal << delete rows;