Hi,louv, thank you so much for your effort. I really appreciate it. I am sorry that I have more questions.
1. Based on your attached file, when I clicked DoE dialog, there are some data table with random data. I am wondering if you have generated space filling DoE data table and pasted my data into that data table?
2. I actually did the same way by generating DoE table through Classical>Mixture design> space filling. Then, I just simply copy and paste the date from my excel into the data table. However, the modeling result is different from the modeling result of yours. From your model, when I maxmize desirability through prediction profiler, it shows that 0.85 X1 and 0.15 X3 will have maximum desirability. However, from my model, when I maxmize desirability through prediction profiler, it shows that 1 of X1 and 0 of X2, X3 and X4 will have maximum desirability.
I am wondering why there are such difference from same data?
BTW, what does "No intercept" mean in the below picture? I found that check or uncheck "No intercept" make big difference of modeling result

Thank you again.
Best wishes