Here is one approach to solve your problem. It loops through your data, 4 devices at a time, generating a chart and then moving the graph to a JMP Journal window, and then moving on to the next 4 devices. I have attached a sample data table that I used for the development. Please note, that the first 4 devices and the second 4 devices generate the same look of the graph, since all of the data are the same, except for the device names.
The script is not real robust. It assumes that there are multiples of 4 devices, all graphs are to be output in a single column down the output page, etc. I am providing the JSL as a starting place for a possible solution, not the final, robust piece of code it probably should be
Add Properties to Table(
{New Script(
"Option C",
dt = Current Data Table();
// JMP changed the way Row Order Levels works in JMP 15, so 2 different
// methods to set the option has to be handled
If( Num( Word( 1, JMP Version(), "." ) ) >= 15,
dt:Device << set Property( "Value Order", {Row Order Levels( 1 )} );
dt:Device << set Property( "Row Order Levels", 1 );
// Get a list of the DeviceNames found in the order they exist in the
// data table
Summarize( dt, DeviceNames = By( dt:Device ) );
// Create a window to save all of the graphs to
nw = New Window( "Output", <<journal );
// Loop across all of the Devices, 4 at a time to build the graph
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( DeviceNames ), i = i + 4,
// Get a list of the current 4 devices
DeviceList = {};
For( k = i, k <= i + 3, k++,
Insert Into( DeviceList, DeviceNames[k] )
// Select the rows where the current 4 devices are found
dt << select where( Contains( DeviceList, :Device ) );
// Create a subset of the data with only the 4 current devices in it
dtSub = dt << Subset( invisible, Selected Rows( 1 ), Selected columns only( 0 ) );
// Wait for the new data table to be completed before processing
// Run the Graph Code, substituting in the new device's names where required
gb = dtSub << Graph Builder(invisible,
Size( 534, 448 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :Date ),
Y( :Meas_Rise ),
Y( :Name( "No_of_Measurements" ) ),
Overlay( :Device )
Position( 1, 1 ),
Points( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ),
Line( X, Y, Legend( 10 ) )
Position( 1, 2 ),
Legend( 20 ),
Bar Style( "Stacked" ),
Label( "Label by Value" )
{Legend Model(
Base( 0, 0, 0, Item ID( __dev1__, 1 ) ),
Base( 1, 0, 0, Item ID( __dev2__, 1 ) ),
Base( 2, 0, 0, Item ID( __dev3__, 1 ) ),
Base( 3, 0, 0, Item ID( __dev4__, 1 ) )
Expr( __dev1__ ), DeviceList[1],
Expr( __dev2__ ), DeviceList[2],
Expr( __dev3__ ), DeviceList[3],
Expr( __dev4__ ), DeviceList[4]
// Add the output from the graph to the output window
nw << append( Report( gb ) );
// Cleanup the current working items to get ready for the next 4 devices
report(gb) << delete;
Close( dtSub, nosave );