Hi Ron,
Here is another option.
I stacked the columns first. I then joined the stacked table back with the original table.
Data Table( "graph.jmp" ) << Stack(
columns( :Place, :Condition, :Condition 2 ),
Source Label Column( "Category" ),
Stacked Data Column( "Positional Input" ),
Output Table("stacked")
Data Table( "graph.jmp" ) << Join(
With( Data Table( "stacked" ) ),
Merge Same Name Columns,
By Matching Columns( :start Date = :start Date ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 0, 0 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 ),
Output Table( "test" )
Graph Builder(
Size( 693, 562 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :start Date ),
Y( :Condition 2 ),
Y( :Condition ),
Y( :Place ),
Color( :Positional Input )
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Points( X, Y, Legend( 24 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 2 ), Points( X, Y, Legend( 25 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 3 ), Points( X, Y, Legend( 26 ) ) ),
"start Date",
{Min( 3485228794.98433 ), Max( 3487017600 ), Interval( "Day" ),
Inc( 5.78703703703704 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ), Label Row Nesting( 3 )}