I am not aware of a way to register custom functions globally that works in column formulas. However, there is a way, perhaps not very convenient, to call a function locally from a saved jsl-file.
Let's say you have saved a script with only this function. The file is named "plus_one" (or whatever).
plus_one=function({X}, X+1);
To call this function within a column formula use local() and include() as below:
Local( plus_one,
Include( "path/plus_one.jsl" );
plus_one( :Column );
Where path is the path to the saved jsl-file and :Column is the column you apply the formula to. Include() parses and evaluates the jsl code in the file (however the file is not opened) and without the local context you will get an error.
It is not beautyful but it works and may be useful if the function is very complex and is reused often.
Actually it just occurred to me that it should be possible to collect all my custom formula in a single file and use a start-up script to set the path-variable. Then they would be easier to implement "globally". And any changes in the stored functions would be translated to all your datatables without the need to edit each column that have a user-defined function. I have not tested this idea, but it is an intriguing prospective. May be a RAM-hungry approach though.