@uday_guntupalli Thanks for all the Suggestions. I will keep in my mind before posting anything .
I have posted my code below and it's working absolutely fine. But I need to run this code in a loop.
I have my original data table "Sheet 1". It has 300 columns like ("Timestamp" , "donsteedOccupancy" , "Name( "Raeford, NC Temp" )" , "x Ahu1 y" , "x Ahu1 z" , "x Ahu1 m" ,..."x Ahu2 y" , "x Ahu2 z" , "x Ahu2 m"......."x Ahu70 y" , "x Ahu70 z" , "x Ahu70 m".
I want to create a subset from main datatable with first 3 columns ("Timestamp" , "donsteedOccupancy" , "Name( "Raeford, NC Temp" )" ) and also all the column names consisting "Ahu1" to a new data table and perform various actions as i mentioned in the code.(Creating extra columns,deleting columns,Change Column properties and generating a graph).
So bascially in this code were there is "Ahu1" it has to be replaced to "Ahu[i]" and run in the loop.
I want to do something like this.
For( i=0; i<= 52, i++
Data Table("Sheet1") << subset(
Output table( "Ahu[i]"),
columns(Timestamp,..., "x Ahu[i] y" , "x Ahu[i] z" , "x Ahu[i] m"));
Ahu[i]_dt= Data Table("Ahu[i]");
Close( Ahu[i]_dt, save("Ahu[i].jmp") );
All the fields in the code which has "Ahu1" has to be replaced to "Ahu[i]"
Thanks for the help.
original_dt = Current Data Table();
/* Sheet 1 is my original data table. I am creating a subset from original sheet which has column names as : Timestamp,donsteedOccupancy, Name( "Raeford, NC Temp" )
and all the columns which has a string "Ahu1". I am naming this output table as Ahu1.*/
Data Table( "Sheet1" ) << Subset(
Output Table( "Ahu1", link to original data table( 0 ) ),
All rows,
:Name( "Raeford, NC Temp" ),
:DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd,
:DonSteedES Ahu1 HtgVlvCmd,
:DonSteedES Ahu1 DaT,
:DonSteedES Ahu1 SaFanCmd,
:DonSteedES Ahu1 ZnT,
:DonSteedES Ahu1 ZnTStpt
/* Assigning the output data table to "Ahu1_dt" */
Ahu1_dt = Data Table( "Ahu1" );
/* Creating new columns called "Occupancy and SafanCmd" with formula's and deleting the formula link and also the original column's */
Ahu1_dt << New Column( "Occupancy",
Formula( Munger( :donSteedOccupancy, Length( :donSteedOccupancy ) - 4, Length( :donSteedOccupancy ) ) )
Column( "Occupancy" ) << delete formula;
Ahu1_dt << delete columns( "donSteedOccupancy" );
Ahu1_dt << New Column( "SaFanCmd",
Formula( Munger( :DonSteedES Ahu1 SaFanCmd, Length( :DonSteedES Ahu1 SaFanCmd ) - 4, Length( :DonSteedES Ahu1 SaFanCmd ) ) )
Column( "SaFanCmd" ) << delete formula;
Ahu1_dt << delete columns( "DonSteedES Ahu1 SaFanCmd" );
/* Using Recode to change values for columns "Occupancy and SaFanCmd " and also changing the column Data Types*/
Ahu1_dt << Column( "Occupancy" );
For Each Row( :Occupancy = Match( :Occupancy, " 1min", " 1", " 0min", " 0", :Occupancy ) );
Column( "Occupancy" ) << Data type( character ) << Set Data Type( Numeric );
Ahu1_dt << Column( "SaFanCmd" );
For Each Row( :SaFanCmd = Match( :SaFanCmd, " 1min", " 1", " 0min", " 0", :SaFanCmd ) );
Column( "SaFanCmd" ) << Data type( character ) << Set Data Type( Numeric );
/* Changing Format for the column's "DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd" and "Ahu1_dt:DonSteedES Ahu1 HtgVlvCmd" */
Ahu1_dt:DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd << Format( "percent" );
Ahu1_dt:DonSteedES Ahu1 HtgVlvCmd << Format( "percent" );
/* Changing Modeling type for the column : SaFanCmd */
Column( "SaFanCmd" ) << Modeling type( continuous );
/* Generating a Graph using Graph Builder for "Ahu1_dt" and assigning it to a object called "optstartgraph" .*/
optstartgraph = Ahu1_dt << Graph Builder(
Size( 1377, 923 ),
X( :Timestamp ),
Y( :DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd ),
Y( :DonSteedES Ahu1 HtgVlvCmd, Position( 1 ) ),
Y( :Name( "Raeford, NC Temp" ) ),
Y( :DonSteedES Ahu1 DaT, Position( 2 ) ),
Y( :DonSteedES Ahu1 ZnT, Position( 2 ) ),
Y( :DonSteedES Ahu1 ZnTStpt, Position( 2 ) ),
Y( :SaFanCmd, Position( 2 ), Side( "Right" ) ),
Color( :Occupancy )
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Line( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Color( 0 ), Legend( 5 ) ), Heatmap( X, Legend( 8 ) ) ),
Position( 1, 2 ),
Line( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Y( 3 ), Y( 4 ), Color( 0 ), Legend( 6 ) ),
Line( X, Y( 5 ), Color( 0 ), Legend( 7 ) ),
Heatmap( X, Legend( 9 ) )
Dispatch( {"Line[DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd...]"}, "", OutlineBox, {Close( 0 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Heatmap[DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd...]"}, "", OutlineBox, {Close( 0 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Line[Raeford, NC Temp...]"}, "", OutlineBox, {Close( 0 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Line[SaFanCmd] (right)"}, "", OutlineBox, {Close( 0 )} ),
Dispatch( {"Heatmap[Raeford, NC Temp...]"}, "", OutlineBox, {Close( 0 )} ),
{Min( 3537633600 ), Max( 3538263600 ), Interval( "Hour" ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 0 ), Label Row( Label Orientation( "Angled" ) )}
Dispatch( {}, "DonSteedES Ahu1 ClgVlvCmd", ScaleBox, {Min( 0 )} ),
{Legend Model(
{Transparency( 0.35 ), gradient(
{Color Theme(
{"mine", 16387, {{79, 16, 79}, {119, 0, 119}, {42, 63, 255}, {0, 170, 170}, {0, 227, 0}, {221, 221, 0}, {238, 119, 0},
{252, 11, 11}, {158, 33, 33}}, {0, 0.193732193732194, 0.2, 0.495726495726496, 0.501424501424502, 0.507122507122507,
0.943019943019943, 0.95, 0.954415954415954}}
), Legend Model(
{Transparency( 0.35 ), gradient(
{Color Theme(
{"mine", 16387, {{79, 16, 79}, {119, 0, 119}, {42, 63, 255}, {0, 170, 170}, {0, 227, 0}, {221, 221, 0}, {238, 119, 0},
{252, 11, 11}, {158, 33, 33}}, {0, 0.193732193732194, 0.2, 0.495726495726496, 0.501424501424502, 0.507122507122507,
0.943019943019943, 0.95, 0.954415954415954}}
{Legend Position( {5, [0, 1], 8, [2], 6, [-3, -3, 4, 5], 7, [-3], 9, [3]} ), Position( {0, 1, 2, -3, -3, 4, 5, -3, 3} )}
/*Saving the object in jpg format to a specfied file location. */
optstartgraph << Save Picture( "C:\Projects\Projects\Hoke\Year 1\Jmp\Year 0\DonSteed\Feb16\Ahu1.jpg", "JPG" );
/* Closing the object */
optstartgraph << close window;
/* close and save the data table "Ahu1_dt" */
Close( Ahu1_dt, save("C:\Projects\Projects\Hoke\Year 1\Jmp\Year 0\DonSteed\Feb16\Ahu1.jmp") );