Is this close to what you require? Copy and paste this code into an editor window, then 'Edit > Run Script'. Then look at the formulas in the 'RATIOn' columns.
// Example table
dt = New Table( "Date and Times in 2014",
Add Rows( 100 ),
New Column( "Date",
Format( "ddMonyyyy h:m:s", 22, 0 ),
Input Format( "ddMonyyyy h:m:s", 0 ),
Random Integer( Date DMY( 1, 1, 2014 ), Date DMY( 31, 12, 2014 ) )
New Column( "p1", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Uniform() )),
New Column( "p2", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Uniform() )),
New Column( "p3", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Uniform() )),
New Column( "RATIO1", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( :p1*100/(:p1 + :p2 + :p3 ))),
New Column( "RATIO2", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( :p2*100/(:p1 + :p2 + :p3 ))),
New Column( "RATIO3", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( :p3*100/(:p1 + :p2 + :p3 ))),
// Shoow time series in Graph Builder
dt << Graph Builder(
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Date ), Y( :RATIO1 ), Y( :RATIO2 ), Y( :RATIO3 ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 11 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 2 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 12 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 3 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 13 ) ) )