Sure. Note the regex that sanitizes the file might want to adjust it for your needs. As shown, it converts all odd looking character (spaces and equal sign in this case) to underscore. Windows is probably OK with both of those, but they don't help some programs.
Open( "$sample_data/" );
p = Oneway(
Y( :miles ),
X( :season ),
All Graphs( 0 ),
Plot Quantile by Actual( 1 ),
Line of Fit( 0 ),
by( species )
// p is a { list } of platforms, 1 per by group value
For( ip = 1, ip <= N Items( p ), ip++,
r = Report( p[ip] ); // get the report
image = r << getpicture; // r *is* the outline
title = (r << gettitle); // use the outline name
// you *might* want to replace problematic characters:
title = Regex( title, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_", GLOBALREPLACE );
path = "$temp/" || title || ".png";
image << savepicture( path, "png" );
Open( path );