I tend to agree with Peter's assessment. Understanding what makes a good model is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. No single piece gives you the entire picture.
I would tell you where to find "Q Square", but honestly, I have never heard of that statistic. JMP offers several other statistics to help you assess the fit of a model like RSquare, RSquare Adjusted, AICc, BIC, etc. But again, no single number is really sufficient.
Finally, underneath the actual by predicted plot, JMP displays RMSE. It is not a "predicted RMSE". The predicted part is completing the labeling of the X-axis variable. Enclosed is a simple example (from a bad model) where they were trying to predict Claim Amount. Notice the labeling of the X-axis is "Claim Amount Predicted". The RMSE is just that: the Root Mean Square Error which you can see in the Summary of Fit table.

Dan Obermiller