Hi experts,
I want to define the QC test rule for given chart, any idea or script shared?
PR Rules:
PR1 1 point above 3 or below -3 sigma
PR2 2 of 3 points above 2 or below -2 sigma
PR3 4 of 5 points above 1 or below -1 sigma
PR4 8 or 8 points on same side of central line
PR5 7 consecutive ascending or descending points
WE Rules:
WE1 1 out of 1 points above 3 sigma
WE2 2 out of 3 points above 2 sigma
WE3 4 out of 5 points above 1 sigma
WE4 8 out of 8 points above central line
WE5 1 out of 1 points below -3 sigma
WE6 2 out of 3 points below -2 sigma
WE7 4 out of 5 points below -1 sigma
WE8 8 out of 8 points below central line
WE9 15 out of 15 points between -1 and 1 sigma
WE10 8 out of 8 points outside -1 and 1 sigma