Sorry, I inverted the fraction. It should read
fraction = k / N Rows( dt );
This fraction (a number between 0 and 1) is calculated only because the random selection requires a fraction argument.
Here is a version that also puts each subsample in the output table. After the mean and SD columns you should see ten columns with the ten randomly picked data for each iteration.
dt = Data Table( "Data" );
k = 10; //Set sample size
n = 100; //Set number of iterations
fraction = k / N Rows( dt );
m = J( n, 2 + k ); //Initiate a matrix for holding means and SDs
//Loop: make random subset n times
For( i = 1, i <= n, i++,
dt << select randomly( fraction );
m[i, 1] = Mean( dt:Data[dt << get selected rows] );
m[i, 2] = Std Dev( dt:Data[dt << get selected rows] );
m[i, 3 :: 2+ k] = transpose(dt:Data[dt << get selected rows]);
//Move data into new table
dt2 = As Table( m );
dt2 << set name( "Summary Data" );
Column( dt2, 1 ) << set name( "Mean" );
Column( dt2, 2 ) << set name( "StdDev" );