I just took a quick look at the data provided and some of your questions. Here is what I see in the data and some questions:
1. I don't have any context for the data. How much of a change in DAT or MDS is of practical significance?
2. Regarding correlation between MDS and DAT, there is not a strong correlation (r=-0.32) and there are a number of potential outliers (Mahalanobis, 7). This is not accounting for the age/sex effects.
3. Looking at the relationships between DAT and age and sex, it appears sex has almost no relationship (fit model). Age is statistically significant. Those two terms account for only about ~20% of the variation in the data. As age increases, DAT decreases.
4. There does appear to be a linear relationship between DAT and MDS, but in that model both Age and Sex are insignificant. The model containing all three terms accounts for ~8% of the variation in the data.
How confident are you in the measurement systems?
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box