Here is a corrected version of the script, that positions the spec columns, etc. at the correct location and also adds in the column labels
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
// Transpose the Demographics
dtTrans1 = dt << Transpose(
columns( :SBIN, :HBIN, :Alarms, :Device, :Site ),
Transpose selected rows only( 1 ),
Output Table( "Transpose 1" )
// Change the name of the first column
dtTrans1:Label << set name( "Column 1" ) << Set Display Width( 150 );
// Change the new column names
For( i = 2, i <= N Cols( dtTrans1 ), i++,
Column( dtTrans1, i ) << set name( "Column " || Char( i + 4 ) ) << Set Display Width( 100 )
// Change the detail name of the Alarms
dtTrans1:Column 1[(dtTrans1 << get rows where( dtTrans1:Column 1 == "Alarms" ))[1]] = "Pass/Fail/Alarm";
// Create the Devce values
deviceRow = (dtTrans1 << get rows where( dtTrans1:Column 1 == "Device" ))[1];
For( i = 2, i <= N Cols( dtTrans1 ), i++,
Column( dtTrans1, i )[deviceRow] = i - 1
// Now Find all of the columns that are parameters
parameterColNamesList = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Cols( dt ), i++,
If( Is Missing( Num( Word( 1, Column( dt, i ) << get name, ":" ) ) ) == 0,
Insert Into( parameterColNamesList, Column( dt, i ) << get name )
// Transpose the parameter columns
dtTrans2 = dt << Transpose(
columns( Eval( parameterColNamesList ) ),
Transpose selected rows only( 0 ),
Output Table( "Transpose 2" )
// Add in the new columns to be created
dtTrans2 << Add Multiple Columns( "Column", 5, before first, Character );
// Add the columns 2-5 in the trans data table
dtTrans1 << Add Multiple Columns( "xColumn", 4,after(:Column 1), Character );
column(dtTrans1,i)<<set name("Column " || char(i));
// Add a row at the end of the table, and add the labels
dtTrans1 << add rows(1);
dtTrans1:Column 1[6] = "# Test Number";
dtTrans1:Column 2[6] = "Test Name";
dtTrans1:Column 3[6] = "Lo Limit";
dtTrans1:Column 4[6] = "Hi Limit";
dtTrans1:Column 5[6] = "Unit";
// Add the values to the new columns
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dtTrans2 ), i++,
dtTrans2:Column 1[i] = Word( 1, dtTrans2:Label[i], ":" );
dtTrans2:Column 2[i] = Word( 2, dtTrans2:Label[i], ":" );
specs = Column( dt, dtTrans2:Label[i] ) << get property( "spec limits" );
If( Is Missing( specs["LSL"] ) == 0,
dtTrans2:Column 3[i] = specs["LSL"]
If( Is Missing( specs["USL"] ) == 0,
dtTrans2:Column 4[i] = specs["USL"]
If( Column( dt, dtTrans2:Label[i] ) << get property( "Units" ) != "",
dtTrans2:Column 5[i] = Column( dt, dtTrans2:Label[i] ) << get property( "Units" )
// Get rid of the label column which is no longer needed
dtTrans2 << delete columns( :Label );
// Change the names of the Trans2 table to match the names in the Trans1 table
For( i = 6, i <= N Cols( dtTrans2 ), i++,
Column( dtTrans2, i ) << set name( "Column " || Char( i ) )
// Combine the 2 Transformed data tables
dtFinal = dtTrans1 << concatenate( dtTrans2 );
// Cleanup the no longer needed data tables
close( dtTrans1, nosave );
close( dtTrans2, nosave );