Problem 2.1 You may notice that this data looks different to how the data looked in our demonstration video; this format is called a Stacked Column, and JMP Pro can handle it in much the same way it did our practice file, so don’t worry. In JMP Pro’s of Association Analysis tool procedure, move Label into the Item field and TransactionID into the ID field, and set the Minimum Confidence to 0.45. Before you run the tool, take a screenshot of the Association Analysis settings window and paste it in the space below:
Problem 2.2 Click OK to run the tool. Take a screenshot of the Rules list, and paste it into the space below.
Problem 2.3 Make sure the Rules list is sorted by Confidence, Largest to Smallest (if not, click the column title until the sorting is correct), then describe the first Association Rule in “if-then customers are likely to” format in the space below.
Problem 2.4 What do you notice about the first half-dozen rules? Do they have something in common? What does this suggest about customers’ prioritization of the accessories and features?
Problem 2.5 Sort the chart by Lift from largest and smallest. Again consider the first few rules; do they suggest any interesting relationships? Hint: don’t just describe a particular Association Rule, but look for a trend across Association Rule