You can use a graphics script to do this (see for example: for how to do this 'by hand').
If you want to do it programmatically, you can tinker with the script below to get it the way you want. Cut and paste the code into an editor window, then select 'Edit > Run Script').
// Example data
dt = NewTable("Scatter PLot",
NewColumn("x", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(RandomNormal())),
NewColumn("y", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(RandomNormal())),
// Bivariate plot
biv = dt << Bivariate(X(:x), Y(:y));
// Add graphics script for 'quadrants'
xVals = Column(dt, "x") << getValues;
xMid = Quantile(0.5, xVals);
xDel = Max(Abs(Max(xVals) - xMid), Abs(xMid - Min(xVals)));
xMin = xMid - 100*xDel;
xMax = xMid + 100*xDel;
yVals = Column(dt, "y") << getValues;
yMid = Quantile(0.5, yVals);
yDel = Max(Abs(Max(yVals) - yMid), Abs(yMid - Min(yVals)));
yMin = yMid - 100*yDel;
yMax = yMid + 100*yDel;
// Tempate expression to add graphics script
ags =
Report(biv)[FrameBox(1)] <<
Add Graphics Script(
Description( "Quadrants" ),
Transparency( 0.3 );
// Top left
Fill Color( "Red" );
Rect( xMinTBD, yMaxTBD, xMidTBD, yMidTBD, 1 );
// Top right
Fill Color( "Green" );
Rect( xMidTBD, yMaxTBD, xMaxTBD, yMidTBD, 1 );
// Bottom left
Fill Color( "Blue" );
Rect( xMinTBD, yMidTBD, xMidTBD, yMinTBD, 1 );
// Bottom right
Fill Color( "Black" );
Rect( xMidTBD, yMidTBD, xMaxTBD, yMinTBD, 1 );
// 'Bake in' values for this data to this expression
Expr(xMinTBD), xMin,
Expr(xMidTBD), xMid,
Expr(xMaxTBD), xMax,
Expr(yMinTBD), yMin,
Expr(yMidTBD), yMid,
Expr(yMaxTBD), yMax,
// Add the graphics script