I am looking for a more detailed explanation of why the Anticipated Coefficient changes sign between subsets of a multi-level categorical factor in the DOE platform.
From JMP help: Evaluate Design Options (jmp.com)

I understand why factor subsets need to be created for a categorical variable with 3 or more levels, and would expect a table like the following to be going on in the background of the DOE platform. This table is from here: FAQ: How do I interpret the coefficients of an effect-coded variable involved in an interaction in a...

However when I make a design with a 3-level Cat variable, the following snip is the Power table I get. Why is the "X1 2" anticipated coeff set to -1, when I would expect "L3" of X1 to implicitly be given that designation for both "X1 1" and "X1 2" as it is the 'opposing' factor level in both of those subsets? Maybe I am misunderstanding the construction of "X1 1" and "X1 2"?