Hi @fizzy,
Could you provide a little more details and context about your DoE ?
What was the number of runs and model assumed ?
The dots for some of the effects in your model (with no value for Logworth or p-value) means that these effects can't be determined, for different possible reasons, because you don't have sufficient degree of freedom for their estimations.
You might not have sufficient data to estimate these effects, and/or not have data collected at the right locations of your experimental space to be able to determine them.
Another user faced a similar problem and you can find the responses given here : https://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/Missing-P-Values-in-Effect-Summary-OF-Fit-Model/td-p/271031
If you need more detailed/personalized help, sharing some of the info for the construction of the DoE (factors used, model, number of runs, ...) as well as the Analysis of Variance, Parameter Estimates, and Effect Tests tables could help us guide you.
I hope this first answer will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)