I was trying to duplicate an analysis in a paper by Christopher Nachtsheim and @bradleyjones called Split-Plot Designs: What, Why, and How, Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 41, No. 4, October 2009. They use the Box et al data for studying the corrosion resistance of steel bars (attached image). In a split-plot design, Temp is treated as a hard-to-change (whole plot) factor with three levels: 360, 370, 380 degrees. Each whole-plot treatment is replicated twice, so we have 6 whole plots with the 4 treatments of Coating within each.
I was trying to duplicate this using the JMP DOE Custom Design dialog:

Since I designated Temp as hard to change, and I asked for 6 whole plots, JMP creates a design as expected with 6 whole plots (2 whole plots for each of the 3 Temp treatment levels), with each whole plot holding all 4 treatments of Coating, or 24 runs.
But here's the confusing thing: If I treat Temp as a categorical, I get 2 reps of each of the 3 Temp levels. But if I treat Temp as a discrete numerical, I get whole plots where Temp is either 360 or 380 (3 whole plots of each) and no whole plots with 370.
It's not surprising that I get a different design when treating Temp as categorical or numeric. But I would have thought Temp should be treated as a discrete numerical. Are there other parts of the Custom Design dialog that I'm using incorrectly?