Hi @JayBee911 As far as I can see, there is precious little detail in JMP documentation wrt the residuals in question. However, it should be easy to verify if JMP is using residuals in the vertical direction via calculating them yourself from the equation: Y[observed] - (b0 + b1*X[observed] ). My guess is that JMP shows those, the vertical ones. If you want the residuals, defined as the orthogonal distances from the line to the points, you’ll probably need to dust off your trigonometry hat.
Edit: It turns out JMP calculates the vertical residuals (I verified with my own data), which makes sense since you are trying to predict Y from X. However, if you want the orthogonal residuals (the ones used when minimizing the sum of squared residuals to estimate b0 and b1), you'll need to follow the method in the link above.