Thanks for elaborating! And my guess might be correct.
According to your description, I think I found one article closely related to this context: Modeling the pressure inactivation dynamics of Escherichia coli
In the paper Weibull function (or model) is highlighted in the following:

But in Fit Curve platform, Weibull Growth model looks like the following:

Meanwhile, the Power model looks like the following:

So, the Weibull function in the paper matches the Power Model in Fit Curve platform, and your Y is logCFU.
It would be helpful for you to ask the one who gave you the task to provide the exact formula of the equation, so you will be able to back out the values of estimates of your alpha and beta. In the above paper, the coefficient 2.303 may not exist in your model. And I suspect your alpha parameter is the "b" in that paper, and your beta is "n" in that paper. If all my assumptions hold, here are the alpha and beta estimates from the Power Model outputs:
beta = Power
alpha = (1/abs(Slope))^(1/Power)