I created an example for this MSA. I hope it illustrates the data, data layout, and analysis launch that should work. First of all, your data should have a layout similar to this example:
The MSA should be launched like this:
After selecting the Linearity and Bias Test from the platform menu, you should not see that error message. You should see a report like this:
Here is the script I used to create this example:
Names Default to Here( 1 );
dt = New Table( "Bias Analysis",
New Column( "Donor", Numeric, Nominal, Values( Shape( Transpose( Repeat( 1::10, 2 ) ), 20, 1 ) |/ Repeat( 0, 6 ) ) ),
New Column( "Predicate", Numeric, Continuous, Values( Shape( Transpose( Repeat( J( 1, 10, Random Normal( 15, 2 ) ), 2 ) ), 20, 1 ) |/ Repeat( 15, 6 ) ) ),
New Column( "Test", Numeric, Continuous, Values( (:Predicate << Get As Matrix) + J( 26, 1, Random Normal( 0, 0.1 ) ) ) )
dt << New Script( "MSA by EMP",
EMP Measurement Systems Analysis(
Y( :Test ),
Part( :Donor ),
Standard( :Predicate ),
Model( Crossed ),
Dispersion Chart Type( Range ),
Max Iter( 100 ),
Conv Limit( 0.00000001 ),
EMP MSA Analysis( :Test, Linearity and Bias Results( 1 ) )