I have a column of date time in a table. When I run my script I want a dialog box to come up (calendar selection would make selection easier), which asks for a start date and end date. They can be seperate dialog boxes, or they can be the same, either would suffice. I want to store these dates in variables so that I can "select where" to create a subset within or around these dates.
I have tried numerous approaches, the one I like best:
startDate = new window("Start Date of Data",<<Modal, numbereditbox(today(),20,<<setformat(Format("m/d/y", 12)),Button Box( "OK", StartDateRT << get ), Button Box( "Cancel" )));
gives me this result in the Log:
StartDateRT = DisplayBox[];
StartDate = {Button(1)};
How do I get the selected date so that I can use it later?