seems to work: I made a CSV from this table:
And, after several false starts, imported it like this:
load data infile '/home/c/Desktop/windowsShare/stories.csv' replace into table stories fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\r\n';
And then dumped the data in hex with
select hex(story) from stories;
| hex(story) |
deleted false starts...
| 7468697320697320612074776F0D6C696E652073746F7279 |
| 7468697320697320612074687265650D6C696E650D73746F7279 |
| 6F6E65206C696E6572 |
I made the CR (0D) characters bold.
I'm not a mysql expert; I don't know if mysql can handle column names in the data better. I made the mysql table and the JMP table have the same order to get this to work.
Without the HEX, it is a bit hard to understand what happened:
select * from stories;
| name | story | grade |
deleted false starts
| name | story | 0 |
line story | 12 |
story | 12 |
| fred | one liner | 99 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(This is output in a linux shell window). The CR does not have a LF (the way this data table was created). that moves the cursor to the beginning of the line but does not line feed to a new line...typing over the beginning of the line. The data is actually in the mysql table, as shown by the hex.
Finally, the dump of the CSV:
Char To Blob(
"name,story,grade~0D~0AKATIE,~22this is a two~0Dline story~22,12~0D~0ALOUISE,~22this is a three~0Dline~0Dstory~22,12~0D~0Afred,one liner,99~0D~0A",
You can see that JMP, on Windows, uses CRLF at the ends of lines (bold ~0D~0A).