We have jsl scripts that are calling python scripts that I now want to update for the new Python functionality of JMP 18.
Up to JMP 18, we did something like this to prepare the Python connection:
// Python setup
Python Init( Debug Print Statements( "TRUE" ), Init Trace("TRUE"), Debug Print Output("TRUE") );
Python Submit(
import numpy as _JMPnp
import scipy as _JMPsp
import pandas as _JMPpd
import sqlite3 as _JMPsq
print("Python Imports OK")
Since Python Init () is now deprecated, I'm wondering a) if I even need now to initialize the python connection before using python send(), submit(), .... b) if yes, how I would do it using I guess using python connect ()
My current theory is, that I would need to replace the element above witth:
Python connect();
Python submit (
but the documentation and examples are a bit sparse on this.