Here are a couple of ways to do what you are asking. The first method, using the Update platform is far more efficient than the cell to cell updating, but they both work well, and each have their place where you would want to use each technique.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt1 = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/big" );
dt2 = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/big class" );
// Add a new columns
dt1 << New Column( "Height, Weight ratio", formula( :weight / :height ) );
dt1 << New Column( "Age, Height ratio", formula( :height / :Age ) );
// Add the Height, Weight ratio to the dt2 data table, for only the
// females, using a simple subset and a join
dt1 << select where( :sex == "F" );
dtSubset = dt1 << subset(
selected rows( 1 ),
columns( {"name", "Height, Weight ratio"} )
dt2 << Update( With( dtSubset ), Match Columns( :name = :name ) );
Close( dtSubset, nosave );
// Add the Age, Height ratio to the dt2 data table for only the
// 13 year olds, using cell by cell processing
dt2 << New Column( "Age, Height ratio" );
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dt1 ), i++,
If( dt1:age[i] == 13,
foundRow = dt2 << get rows where( dt1:name[i] == dt2:name & dt2:age == 13 );
If( N Rows( foundRow ) == 1,
theRow = foundRow[1];
dt2:Name( "Age, Height ratio" )[theRow] = dt1:Name( "Age, Height ratio" )[i];
Also, there are other methods that can be used. I suggest you read the Scripting Guide, to get a good feel for the variety of options available
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