Dear friends of data analysis!
I'm struggling with the data for my thesis - I want to do two-way anovas, but my data is non-normally distributed and shows no homogeneity of variances.
My data was collected monthly over a one-year period, with 4 data points per month (respectively for the below-mentioned variables) per treatment (of which I have two) = ~ 48 data points per treatment, ~96 in total.
I have different variables I want to test: Biodiversity (Shannon and Simpson Indices), Ethylene production and Primary productivity.
My original two-way anova model is (e.g.) Shannon ~ Community*Time
Transformations of the data did not lead to a fulfillment of the assumptions.
Is there a way to do a non-parametric test with JMP, but to not only test one-way (e.g. Shannon~Community, Shannon~Time), but also the interaction term?
What other alternatives can you suggest?
I tried a GLM with JMP, but the distributions (binomial, normal, exponential, poisson) do not seem to be well-suited for my data... I tried Poisson, but then I have problems with the overdispersion (when to select it and when not?)
I hope to find some help here, thanks in advance!